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  • How Does Social Media Impact Family Law Proceedings?

    The use of social media platforms and sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok comes as second nature for the majority of us. Sharing updates, feelings and other personal information on social media have become the norm for many […]

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  • What Costs Are Involved With Family Law?

    Proceedings in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia, whether for financial matters or parenting rights, is often an incredibly stressful and nerve-wracking experience for everyone involved. Add the financial burden on top of that and it is […]

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  • How Has COVID-19 Impacted Family Law Property Settlement?

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive domino effect on almost every aspect of life, one of which includes Family Law property settlements. Whether you have only recently started negotiations, are in the middle of Court proceedings or even at […]

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